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Unlocking New Business Models: Introducing Access Control (ACT) in Swarm’s Decentralized Storage Network

Swarm, a groundbreaking decentralized data and distribution network with its unique features not only makes your assets censorship resistant and unstoppable, but also revolutionizes data access management with its brand new feature called Access Control Trie (ACT).
Here we explain what ACT is, explore its diverse business applications, and highlight the advantages of partnering with Solar Punk at an early stage of the project planning.

So what are Access Control Tries (ACTs)?

As one explores the complexities of decentralized storage systems, it becomes apparent that uploaded assets are essentially made public within the network. While encryption alone is a protective measure to prevent unauthorized access without the decryption key,at the same time it undermines your sovereign control over who can access the data. The potential for key compromise or covert retrieval poses a significant challenge. For business models that depend on the intrinsic value of data assets and aim to monetize them, a more robust and flexible solution is vital.

ACT is an innovative decentralized access control solution designed specifically for Swarm. It empowers users to grant and revoke access to specific assets, associate access with unique Web3 wallet addresses, and dynamically manage access permissions. For an in-depth understanding of the technology, we encourage you to explore this article Introducing the Access Control Trie (ACT) in Swarm.

Business Applications areas that could immediately benefit from ACT on Swarm

The ability to control access of individual assets complements Swarm’s unique content management capabilities very well. Let us quickly list a few areas as examples where the addition of Access Control opens the gate for entirely new business models.

Content creation and distribution
Swarm is ideally suited for publishing any kind of content particularly audio and video thanks to its native support for efficient P2P streaming. In addition by incorporating Swarm feeds, versioned access to content can be offered. The integration of ACT into the protocol now allows easy and dynamic gating and monetization of stored content or specific versions of it. Furthermore, by integrating payment solutions into the model, ACT can be utilized to create subscription-based services, including streaming platforms.

Swarm is more than a storage network; it also functions as a robust communication platform. Feeds within Swarm empower users to establish group chats or even complete social networks. The Access Control feature of Swarm plays a pivotal role in this regard, enabling the creation and dynamic management of private groups and even entire gated communities that feature secure interactions.

Data management and cooperation
Businesses can securely store and share confidential data, collaborate seamlessly on sensitive projects yet maintain data integrity.
Apart from usual internal file sharing and collaboration a typical example could be the storage of supply chain metadata. For example certain parts of the dataset, such as origin and transfer locations should be visible to everyone, while other data, such as transfer prices and conditions should only be available to specific selected users or groups.

Solar Punk is your ideal collaborative partner

Solar Punk being the team behind the implementation of ACT into the Swarm protocol stands out as a trusted partner for all businesses seeking to integrate Swarm technologies into their existing applications and systems.

Whether you already have a desired architecture in mind or you are just at the business concept phase we recommend talking to us. We are not just a team of experienced developers and engineers who offer custom development services, but we can also help you to figure out how Swarm can add value to your business model.
Do you have a concept in mind? Would you work with us on the next project?

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Key takeaway

ACT combined with Swarm’s unique features, presents a transformative opportunity. Businesses across various industries can unlock new opportunities by partnering with Solar Punk in integrating the technology into their infrastructure. Our expertise and unwavering dedication to customer success guarantee a smooth and effective implementation empowering businesses to leverage the full potential of decentralized technologies and drive innovation in their respective domains.
